Sunday, September 18, 2011

LOL! Just some ZM humor for the day.

Sorry I just had to post this.... and the comment I added to it.

Products of a materialist world.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

7/19/11 Town Hall - Well wirth the watch!

There's some plain English in this video!
It's happening folks.
Peter and other answer some questions from the audience

This first one has an awesome, simple explanation as to how impossible it is for our system to work - showing how there is just not enough money in existence to pay back all the interest on the debt - and that all debt should be null and void.

the continuation answers some good questions.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Peter Joseph on Russia Today

What you want to do? what you like to do?
This girl loves being a journalist - loves reporting the news.
She's thinking that in a resource based economy that ability to report the news would be lost and that she wouldn't be allowed to do what she does. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

(update: 9/17/11 - there's a nice "Plain English" article on this here:  © Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “TV-Novosti”, 2005–2011. All rights reserved.)

My comment to that would be that "Yes you could report news!"
A resource-based economy has news too. The news would be filled with reports of GOOD news instead of BAD. New inventions! New cures for disease! New toys! And there would be reports on the way society was adapting to the new way of thinking, what was working - what wasn't - and views from various people on how to fix the things that weren't working.

The news she was reporting could be news that actually helped and informed people, rather than subliminally sway their way of thinking to some political end.

Her fears are unwarranted.She would actually have even more freedom to report on things she wants to report on, rather than reporting on things her boss decides for her to report on, because she wouldn't have a boss. In a resource-based economy news wouldn't be filtered by people who wanted to use it to control votes to make money. People would just report what they think people wanted to hear - good or bad.

Without money and politics, there would be no reason to manipulate the news, as no one, even the bearer of the news, would have anything to gain by it. And any reporter would have freedoms they never dreamed of without the restrictions of working in servitude for an editor or boss.

Of course there will be crimes - though without money - there would be little motivation for the usual crimes. Nothing to 'steal', no wars to fight because resources would be shared. No societal pressures created by the fear of 'not getting mine" that drive most crimes of passion. At most, there would be debate over what to do with some resources, even with computers showing the best possible use of materials, those decisions would still have to be made using the data that was entered and taken into account, and there would occasionally be dispute over whether the proper data was included in the process by which a decision was arrived at.

Maybe there'd be the occasional drug addict or alcoholic acting crazy - but public shame and the ability to receive free mental health assistance and rehabilitation should stifle most of that too - at least when you compare it to today, where a good percentage of the homeless are not treated or helped with their mental disorders - because no one has the money. There are people all over the world who want to help these folks but don't have the resources to do so and are stifled by not having the money to get the education to become GOOD mental healers. But in a resource based economy that doesn't waste resources, with free education for all, and an abundance of resources with which to work, these would not be issues for anyone who wanted to be anything, be it to help mentally ill, rehabilitate drug addicts or alcoholics, or whatever. There would be no shortage of help for those who needed it, as the only shortage we have now is caused by money.

It's not, remember, a utopia that's being created here. We're all still going to be human, with human flaws. Even if the reporter in this video were to be the type who enjoys reporting on the suffering of others (yeah, they're out there) I'm sure there will always be human conflict to  report on. Just not as much of it.

Friday, September 2, 2011

For The Noobs

Point 1:
Robots are taking over the world.

That's right. You're most likely out of a job because there's a computer program or a machine that can do it faster than you, better than you, with less errors, no sleep, no breaks, no vacations, no pay, no health insurance coverage, no unions, no safety regulations.

So why the hell would anyone want to hire you?

Point 2:
The other reason you're probably out of a job is because if a corporation can't find a machine to do your job, they go to some poor destitute country where people don't know any better, destroy their self-sustaining way of life, which has fed, housed and clothed them for thousands of years, and force them to accept the monetary system as a way of life, which means working a job to make money to buy food to feed their families, instead of growing their own food. And they'll literally work for peanuts, long hours, with no health coverage, little to no breaks or vacations, and they'll even let kids work.
So why the hell would anyone want to hire you?

Point 3:
We have enough resources and technology on this planet to feed, clothe and house every human in the world with only 7000 people maintaining it and no one else working any kind of job. But 1 billion people are starving right now and you're jumping through hoops trying to be able to afford to keep what you have and still feed yourself, working sometimes 2 jobs, if you have any job at all, doing something that a monkey can do.

Point 4:
 Quoted from Wiki:

"In the United States at the end of 2001, 10% of the population owned 71% of the wealth and the top 1% owned 38%. On the other hand, the bottom 40% owned less than 1% of the nation's wealth.[13] According to this 2006 study by the Federal Reserve System, from 1989 to 2004, the distribution in the United States had been changing with indications there was a greater concentration of wealth held by the top 10% and top 1% of the population.[1] A PBS report by Solman on Aug. 16, 2011 now found that financial gains over the last decade in the United States have been mostly made at the "tippy-top" of the economic food chain as more people fall out of the middle class. The top 20 percent of Americans now holds 84 percent of U.S. wealth.[2], the 2nd 20 % holds 11%, the third 20 % 4 %. The following figure shows the actual distribution of wealth in the US. The 4th 20% (0.2%) and the Bottom 20% (0.1%) are not visible:"

My guess is that you don't fall within the fortunate percentage of folks that own the most stuff.

The Zeitgeist Movement is an attempt to educate everyone in the world that the monetary system, the system we use all over the world now, of working for money in exchange for stuff, is obsolete. It doesn't work anymore.

And this is why:
  • You make stuff to make money to buy stuff.
  • In order to make stuff cheap enough to make money you have to cut the cost of the materials and labor.
  • This results in making cheap stuff.
  • The cheap stuff sells, but it's crap and falls apart after a year - sometimes even after a few months.
  • The stuff you spent time and money on to make is in the trash filling up landfills within a year.
  • All those resources you used making something that's a piece of shit are now wasted.
That's why resources are expensive - and perceived scarce - because they're being gobbled up by shit products that don't work.

Why don't they work?

  • Because if you make a product that works perfectly, can be upgraded by anyone, and never need repaired, you won't make any money after you've sold it.
  • Cars are made with more moving parts than are needed because people who make cars make a LOT of money from selling parts.
  • Electric cars were phased out before they began because they lasted, and rarely broke down.
  • Things have to break in order to sell more things - companies know this. If it doesn't break, you go out of business.
  • They call this cyclical consumption - it creates a cycle. You make a shit product, it breaks, they buy more shit products, you make more money, YOU buy from someone ELSE who make shit products, they make more money, then turn around and buy more shit products from you. ...and the whole system feeds itself and everything is shit.
Have you ever noticed all the wonderful technology they talk about on TV, touchscreen computers, 3D TV, stereoscopic glasses with little rings on your fingers as a laptop, all this wonderful stuff, but it costs a fortune?
  • There's a saying in the business world that goes "Whatever the market will bear"
  • This means they will charge as much as they possibly can for as long as they can until YOU quit buying it.
  • Then, once they quit selling a product, they'll spoonfeed you some fancy new technology to get you to throw out the shit they just sold you and buy their new fancy gadget.
  • They'll jack up the price as high as they can so only the wealthy can afford it.
  • They'll advertise that this is what EVERYONE is getting and having one is a new status symbol (their trick for making you feel inadequate if you don't have their new gadget)
  • This spoonfeeding technique is why YOU don't have the latest technological gadgets. 
It's NOT that the latest technology costs too much to make.
  • They're still the same plastic, silicone and metal that the old shit is made out of.
  • They still have machines make it faster than you, better than you, with less errors, no sleep, no breaks, no vacations, no pay, no health insurance coverage, no unions, no safety regulations. So that cost isn't a problem
  • It's "Whatever the market will bear" that makes those products unavailable to YOU, unless you trade your time and energy to make the money to buy it.
  • And what's most absurd is you could have had half this stuff ten years ago! But they make more money if they wait.
It's that it's more profitable to just spoonfeed technology to get the most money out of YOU.

Another reason technology is slowed down by the monetary system...
  • If you invent something you get a patent so no one else can steal the idea - because then YOU won't get the money for the idea.
  • Because you're so afraid of not getting the money, you can't allow people who know more about your type of invention in on developing it, so it doesn't get developed to it's full potential - and is in danger of becoming just another piece of shit.
  • Only people who have enough money to go to school to learn how to create the new technology can make new inventions.
All of this limits our ability to make better quality things that make our life easier.

This is why everything is shit and ends up in a landfill within a year or so.

If we didn't waste all the materials we use on this shit, we could have PLENTY to give everyone a free cellphone, computer, TV, car, house, anything they wanted, that were the best quality our science can make --- FREE

What to do about it?
First - it won't be easy. The transition will be the hardest.
  • Everyone FIRST has to be educated. They have to learn that materials aren't scarce, they're wasted. There's plenty everywhere, it's just being hoarded and turned into trash.
  • Once everyone in the world understands that there ARE plenty of resources and that they can be managed responsibly, and that EVERYONE will benefit from using them wisely, we can begin to work towards taking materials OUT of the hands of greedy corporations and start making things OURSELVES.
  • We need to make education free. All colleges do is tell you to read books, talks about the books, take tests that prove you read and understand the books, then give you a piece of paper saying you read all the books. We can pre-record classes and post them on the internet - for free - free access - for everyone. Anything you want to learn goes up online.

    Imagine all the brilliant minds that can't afford college! Now imagine them getting education for free - the things they can invent that will benefit us all!
Declare all the materials on the planet as the property of the world

Gather the scientists and technicians and developers and programmers of the world and start building machines that make machines that make the things we need - like food, shelter and clothing.
  • By building the machines that make the machines that build first, we'll have faster, more efficient production of the things we need - because we'll have more machines to do the building. 
  • We can create machines that can spit out a house in a day, using a fraction of the resources we use now for a single mobile home.
  • We can spread these machines all over the world and start feeding, clothing and housing everyone ASAP
Give EVERYONE in the world free access to the internet.
  • So those who want to can educate themselves and work together to create better things
  • So everyone can communicate what they need
  • So a database can be created cataloging all the materials that exist and where they are, so we know what we have the materials to make.
  • So everyone can have a say as to what should be done, what should be made, how things should be made, and can work and communicate together to get it done.

Eliminate the entire money system
  • Yes - it means no one will have to work
  • But people volunteer every day - even if they have jobs. Millions of people volunteer for millions of services. Firemen are mostly volunteer in small communities. Habitat for humanity, the peace corp. Imagine how many MORE would volunteer if they didn't need a job and all their basic needs were met.
  • Retirees work harder after they retire than when they had a job. Ask them!
    If you don't have the burden of a job..
  • You'll have time to help in areas that you want to in order to make your OWN life better.
  • You can feed yourself by growing your own food
  • You can study what you WOULD have gone to college for, if you could have afforded it.
  • You'll want to help just for the simple fact that it will help YOU.

    There's more. LOTS more. But this is the gist of the Zeitgeist Movement.
    Go here:
    Read the stuff on the left side of the webpage. Some are PDFs. This explains more.

    Keep an open mind. YES it sounds far-fetched. But if you went back in time and told your grandparents the shit that was going on now you'd be laughed out of town.

    Just read it. It's not gonna happen overnight.
    If people blow it off it won't happen in your lifetime.
    But at some point in the future, people are going to look back and say "what the hell were those dumbasses thinking letting a bunch of banks and corporations make them jump through hoops just to stay the hell alive?"

      Please post comments - even if you think I'm full of shit. And read the rebuttals I make, cuz I'll make 'em. I'm all for open discussion of how full of shit I am.